Gevoelens van dierenvrienden
Op deze site staat een peiling waar je kunt aangeven wat jouw gevoelens zijn over hoe mensen soms met dieren omgaan. Als je dat nog niet hebt gedaan, vul die dan eerst even in. De tekst hieronder is (nog) niet gebaseerd op de resultaten van peiling. Het zijn mijn eerste ideeën op basis van eigen ervaring, van mezelf en anderen.
“For those who work for the animals, the most feared thing is to see them in a state of extreme suffering. This is a tribute to those who are facing hell to document a hidden reality. Thanks to activists who have filmed and photographed the unimaginable. I have great admiration for them.” – via Spanish Animal Defenders - S.A.D "Becoming aware of the intense suffering of billions of animals and of our own participation in that suffering can bring up painful emotions: sorrow and grief for the animals; anger at the injustice and deception of the system; despair at the enormity of the problem; fear that trusted authorities and institutions are, in fact, untrustworthy; and guilt for having contributed to the problem. Bearing witness means choosing to suffer. Indeed, empathy is literally 'feeling with.' Choosing to suffer is particularly difficult in a culture that is addicted to comfort -- a culture that teaches that pain should be avoided whenever possible and that ignorance is bliss. We can reduce our resistance to witnessing by valuing authenticity over personal pleasure and integration over ignorance." ―Melanie Joy |